A sustainable, healthy and energy efficient straw panel system built with totally natural materials.

StrawSIP panels are an innovative, high performance straw-timber system that allows for affordable and efficient construction of warm, dry and healthy homes.

They provide exceptional insulation, airtightness, breathability and air quality to any home as well as being one of the most sustainable and healthy building methods available.

  • Standard Panel StrawSIPS

    Standard Panel

    The most common panel. Standard widths are 900, 800 and 600mm, although any size between 400-900mm can be built. Wall heights of 3000mm are possible with a single panel.

  • Inclined Panel StrawSIPS

    Inclined Panel

    Used for gable or inclined walls and matched to the roof angle (between 5 - 45 degrees). Standard widths are 900, 800 and 600mm, although any size between 400-900mm can be built.

  • Sill and Head Panel StrawSIPS

    Sill and Head Panel

    Used above or below window and door openings where necessary and standard panels can’t be used. Heights of 1200mm are possible, and widths up to 3000mm.

The Panels

StrawSIPS panels are a timber and straw combination that has been specially engineered for New Zealand buildings. The double load-bearing timber frame supports all structural loads and the compressed straw. acts as a totally natural insulation.


We can build a range of different panels types and sizes to suit almost any design and dimensions.

Energy Efficient

With an R-value above 6.0 and naturally airtight construction the heating and cooling requirements of your home will be negligible.

Low Carbon

Straw and timber both sequester large amounts of carbon during their life making it one of the most sustainable ways to build.


The simple construction method and fast assembly of panels makes us cost competitive with standard construction in NZ, although our buildings perform much better.

Healthy Living

Simple natural materials without harmful chemicals and VOC’s means a healthy indoor environment for your family to live in.

Comparison of Building Methods

Comparison of performance between different wall systems

Best Performance

Timber Frame Construction
Polystyrene SIPs
Natural Untreated Materials
Natural Untreated Materials Treated timber, often used with petrochemical insulation batts, and numerous glues and adhesives, formaldehyde in many materials Petrochemical based insulation (EPS, XPS, PIR), plywood or OSB and adhesive foams to join panels, large potential for off-gasing VOCs
VOC's Typical glues, adhesives, insulation, paints, plasters and other interior materials used in NZ are often toxic to humans Polystyrene, polyurethane insulation, sealed with spray foams is the opposite of a natural, healthy building. Often finished on the inside with the same toxic materials used in timber frame building
Ease of Build
Ease of Build Often delivered by a Frame Supplier, easy to install if you have some knowledge and experience building Delivered in panels to site, requires numerous other materials to correctly install and get an airtight building
Cost Known cost of frames and quick installation, although remaining materials including insulation have highly variable labour and material costs Known cost for panels and quick install, although highly variable labour and material costs for the rest of the wall system
Vapour Permeability
Vapour Permeability
Insulation and Minimal Thermal Bridges
Insulation and Minimal Thermal Bridges
Carbon Negative
Carbon Negative Feature is not included. Feature is not included.
Indoor Air Quality
Indoor Air Quality
Acoustic Insulation
Acoustic Insulation
Ease of Installation
Ease of Installation

Exterior and Interior Finishes

StrawSIPS Strawbale Wall buildup
  1. Cladding
    Ventilated cladding on structural 45mm cavity battens

  2. Woodfibre board
    IBS EuroWall 15mm woodfibre board or STEICO 35mm woodfibre board

  3. StrawSIPS panel
    400mm thickness

  4. Timber covering/mesh

  5. Clay plaster
    Basecoats 30mm

  6. Jute reinforcing mesh

  7. Clay plaster
    Finish coat 10mm

Naturally air conditioned

The vapour open and breathable properties of clay, lime and straw means that moisture is able to be transferred out of the walls before it builds up, and excess humidity is absorbed and released keeping the interior at a stable, comfortable humidity level.

Carbon Negative Construction

Straw and timber both capture and store large amounts of CO2 during their growing life and using these materials in a house locks it up within the walls, rather than it being released back to the atmosphere. It is critical to think of the amount of energy and carbon required to build a house, not just the energy required to live in it. StrawSIPS help to reduce or completely eliminate the carbon impact of building a house.

Healthy, VOC-free living

Natural materials - earth and plants, are what we are meant to be surrounded by and living amongst. Straw, lime and clay are completely free of harmful VOC’s and other toxins that are common in the “modern” building industry and the difference in the indoor air quality is noticeable. Clay is a material that is so simple, yet so complex and no man made product can perform the way that it does. It is the ideal material for interior walls to create a beautiful and healthy home.

and more technical details

  • R6.0+ Thermal Insulation

    The 40cm wall thickness and high performance of compressed straw as an insulator means our panels far exceed the standard R value of almost all new houses in NZ.

  • 120+ minute Fire Resistance

    Despite the common though that straw houses will burn down, they are actually extremely fire resistant because the straw is so highly compressed leaving no oxygen for the fire to burn. Clay and lime plasters are also fire proof and protect the building even further.

  • 40+ dB Acoustic Insulation

    Straw bale houses have a totally different feel to them compared to traditional stick frame timber construction. They are quiet and comforting, and external noise is often completely eliminated.

  • Structural Performance for NZ Code

    The structural double timber frame bears all of the load, simplifying the engineering, and can easily be designed for multi-storey buildings. In most cases this follows standard engineering practice for timber frame buildings (NZS3604) but also incorporates knowledge and details from the NZ Earth Building Standards (NZS 4299, 4298, 4297).

  • Precise and Reliable Construction

    Factory prefabrication allows for precise and repeatable production of panels in a controlled and dry environment. On site time and labour is reduced, reducing the cost and overall build time. Mechanically compressed straw with a uniform density and no thermal bridges throughout the panel reduces cold spots in the wall.

  • Durable and Weathertight

    Natural materials and modern techniques have allowed for a system of straw bale building that doesn’t compromise any of the natural, healthy, breathable properties and improves the weathertightness of the building and reduces that chance of weather related damage to the structural and straw elements.